Прикольно Я ще не почала тест, а вже знала рез You are Pippi Longstocking Freedom is the most important thing in your life. You are not the person who follows rules without questioning. You prefer to follow your heart and mind and to create yourself new rules that suit you. Nevertheless, you are not selfish but you engage with lots of energy in others.
You are Nils Travelling is the most important thing in your life. There is no better way to satisfy your curiosity than by exploring foreign cities and countries. While at home you satisfy your thirst for knowledge by exploring the world of books.
You are Heidi Home is most important thing in your life. Superfluous luxury is not for you. You are down-to-earth and all you need is your family and your friends to be happy. Life is never boring with you, because you have the ability to discover the adventures in everyday life.
You are Peter Pan Fun is the most important thing in your life. You live in here and now, the future can bring whenever it wants. You have a great sense of humour and you can drag the people with you and make the everyday life of your friends much more enjoyable